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Art S1 Course Plan

  • Curriculum Area:

    Expressive - Understanding the Visual Elements

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • shows increasing accuracy in representing what is seen;
    • shows understanding of media properties and the effect of techniques and technology used;
    • shows understanding of how visual elements and visual concepts can be combined, for example, to create mood and atmosphere;


    A variety of different short exercises that will recap on prior knowledge of the visual elements of Tone, Pattern, Colour, Shape, Texture and Line.

  • Curriculum Area:

    Design - Pattern generation, printmaking and Seasonal Card

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Researches, develops and communicates a solution to a design brief by working through a process.
    • Investigates, discusses and explains how artists and designers handle media, use techniques and processes, use visual elements and concepts.
    • Evaluates what works well and what could be improved or different
    • shows understanding of media properties and the effect of techniques and technology used;
    • shows understanding of how visual elements and visual concepts can be combined, for example, to create mood and atmosphere;


    Research, develop and create a printed design that is inspired by the artist Hundertwasser. Consider and respond to the way he uses shape, pattern and colour to create designs that are powerful and visually bold. Plan and create a seasonal card that can be entered into the school yearly competition.

  • Curriculum Area:

    Expressive - Drawing and Painting techniques - Portraiture

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Investigates, discusses and explains how artists and designers handle media, use techniques and processes, use visual elements and concepts.
    • shows increasing accuracy in representing what is seen;
    • shows understanding of media properties and the effect of techniques and technology used;


    In this unit you will be exploring Portraiture and Identity. The unit will start with a concertina sketchbook exploring media use with observational drawing. Through a series of tasks you will develop your understanding of colour and mark making and its use in abstract portraits. Taking inspiration from the contemporary artist Francoise Neilly you will develop skills in mark making and ready-mix paint before completing a self-portrait in her style.

  • Curriculum Area:

    3D Construction Unit - Birds of Flight

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • shows increasing accuracy in representing what is seen;
    • shows understanding of how visual elements and visual concepts can be combined, for example, to create mood and atmosphere;
    • selects independently and applies media and techniques, giving reasons for their choices.
    • Evaluates what works well and what could be improved or different in their own and others’ work, using appropriate art and design vocabulary.


    In this unit of work, you will be exploring the theme of birds of flight through drawing and 3d construction processes. You will have the opportunity to explore a variety of 3D media such as paper, clay and wire modelling to help develop your awareness of 3D form.