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Modern Studies S2 Course Plan

  • Curriculum Area:

    Modern Studies May-June

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    Level 2

    • Compares and contrasts the lifestyle and culture of the citizens of Scotland as compared to the citizens of another country.


    Rights of the child cont.

    • Comparison with Children from overseas
    • Child slaves
    • Child soldiers
    • Case study Investigation
  • Curriculum Area:

    Modern Studies August-October

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    Level 3

    • Identifies their own rights and responsibilities as a Scottish citizen and makes a comparison with a contrasting society.
    • Gives at least two simple explanations for the differences between their own rights and responsibilities and those in a contrasting society.
    • Describes the role of elected representatives and/or groups which influence the political decision-making process at local, national or international level.


    Living in a Democracy Pressure Groups

    • What are pressure groups?
    • What do they do?
    • How do they do it?
    • Insider/ outsider groups
    • Case study Investigation
  • Curriculum Area:

    Modern Studies October-December

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    Level 3

    • Identifies at least three sources of information that influence the ways in which he/she is informed.
    • Provides at least two valid opinions about the ways in which choices and decisions might be influenced by bias or exaggeration.



    • The power of advertising
    • Who shapes what you buy?
    • How and why
  • Curriculum Area:

    Modern Studies January-May

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    Level 2

    • Presents using appropriate methods an informed view of a current affairs issue.

    Level 3

    • Describes the unequal nature of trading relationships and the consequences on people’s socio-economic position, for example, Fairtrade, Arms Trade.
    • Draws valid conclusions about the effectiveness of the response, for example, NGOs, NATO, UN.
    • Identifies the advantages and disadvantages of international trade, and issues around free trade agreements


    The development gap

    • Examining the causes and impacts of global inequality
    • Aid, Good or Bad?
    • Trade, the positives and the negatives.
    • Case study Investigations