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Drama S1 Course Plan

  • Curriculum Area:

    I can create, develop and sustain a realistic or stylised character through the use of voice, movement and language.

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Uses characterisation techniques to improve and deepen the portrayal of a character, for example, hot seating, character cards, thought tracking, role on the wall, writing in role, role-play etc.
    • Uses a range of aspects of voice to enhance characterisation, for example, pitch, pace, volume, tone, clarity, articulation;
    • Uses appropriate expression and movement to enhance characterisation, for example, facial expression, body language, eye contact, use of space, use of levels, gesture, posture.


    Timothy Winters An introduction to drama skills, working with stimuli, especially ‘the poem ‘Timothy Winters’ by Charles Causley. This unit is an introduction to drama conventions and techniques e.g. freeze-frame, narrator, thought tracking and so on. Commedia Dell’Arte – History of Theatre 1, An introduction to ‘stock’ characters in drama; use of mask and mime; voice and movement terminology and exercises. Introduction to Drama Skills ‘Getting to know you’ activities, overview of the courses, developing basic drama skills, creating characters

  • Curriculum Area:

    Having developed ideas from a range of stimuli, I can contribute to devising, rehearsing and presenting drama or scripts.

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Contributes relevant ideas and opinions, with supporting evidence, when participating in group discussions or working collaboratively.
    • Selects relevant ideas and information to create dramas or scripts appropriate for performing to an audience, demonstrating a basic knowledge of form and structure such as mime, improvisation, tableaux, linear/non-linear.
    • Builds on the contributions of others by clarifying or summarising points
    • Presents dramas to audiences for different purposes, for example, to entertain, inform, communicate a message, explore an issue.


    Superheroes Story-building and plot, developing drama conventions, script-writing and performance Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations Working with the play-text ‘Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations’ by Alan Ayckbourn, drama conventions, voice and movement. Working in a group to devise a short, original piece of drama.

  • Curriculum Area:

    I can respond to the experience of drama by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work.

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Reflects effectively on ideas, including ideas for using production skills in relation to, for example, lighting sound, props, make-up and hair, in order to improve or enhance a drama, using appropriate drama vocabulary.


    This process happens throughout all units, through the following activities:

    • Group discussion
    • Learning conversations
    • Peer assessment
    • Self assessment
    • Evaluation of one’s own contribution to the drama process (at the end of the unit)
    • Evaluation of the contribution of others to the drama process (at the end of the unit)
    • Target setting
    • Celebration of success