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Technology S1 Course Plan


Curriculum Area Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’ Activity
Design and Manufacture –

Design and constructing models / products


1 period a week all session


·         Uses tools and equipment to manufacture models/products

·         Applies safe working practices when creating a model/product

·         Extracts dimensions from a drawing and transfer these onto materials to create a model/product





·         Uses aspects of the design process to reach a solution for a given brief

·         Identifies relevant design factors in a design brief

·         Applies knowledge of design factors and construction methods to justify a design solution


The first lessons cover the safety rules required in the workshop to keep everyone safe. Following this the pupil will manufacture a bird feeder from given drawings.  This will develop skills and knowledge about the hand tools (rule, tenon saw, chisel, plane, hand router, coping saw, and file) and their uses. The pupil will also use some of the machines available (disc and belt sander, pillar drill) and be fully instructed to allow them to do this confidently.


The second model, an Earbud Holder, applies the skills learned previously but requires the pupil to use graphic skills to produce a design folio developed from a given brief. The pupil applies design factors, and justifies their decisions throughout. Each pupil manufactures their prototype and continues to apply design factors if problems are encountered during manufacture.


Graphic Communication –

Representing ideas, concepts and products through a variety of graphic media


Rotation 1 (8 weeks)

·         Produces sketches which show an understanding of proportion.

·         Produces 2D and 3D sketches using a range of techniques.

·         Produces rendered drawings which may include colour, surface texture, tonal change


The pupil will learn to produce sketches without the use of any tools, other than the pencil and paper. They will develop confidence in sketching straight lines and then combine these to initially sketch 2D shapes.


They then move onto 3D shapes produced using a variety of methods (one and two point perspective, oblique and isometric).


The pupil is then introduced to rendering, as a way of showing light and shade on an object, and uses both ordinary and coloured pencils for this.


To demonstrate what has been learned the pupil produces an assessment piece showing best practice.

Engineering Science –

Application of Engineering


Rotation 2 (8 weeks)




·         Explain why something is an Input, process, output.

·         Builds/simulates solutions to engineering problems

·         Explains energy transfers within a system

·         Uses given formulae to calculate outcomes to engineering problems.

The pupils will start by using IPO cards (input, process and output) and a variety of situations given to them. In small groups, they design systems that could already exist in these situations but are also able to ‘invent’ some that they think should be there.


After this the pupil will use a simulation program (Yenka) that allows them to safely build with electronic components. This program is free to use and can be used at home. They will use this to allow then to check the answers to some simple calculations using the V=IR formula.


The pupil will use discrete components to build a moisture tester circuit which is for placing in a pot alongside a house plant. The circuit has a light that flashes when the soil is dry.