Support For Pupils
Breadalbane Academy prides itself on the way it supports its pupils to learn new skills and knowledge, but it also recognises that pupils learn best when they feel both physically and mentally well.
During times of change and uncertainty, as we are in now, it is important that we all look after ourselves and become more alert to how we feel and how we are coping. With this in mind it is important to remember all the help that is available from the school.
If you feel you are not coping for any reason be it health, family, relationships or maybe too much work your first point of call is your Support teacher in secondary – Mr Davidson, Mrs Glover or Mrs Philip and your classroom teacher in primary. You can contact them at any time through Microsoft teams or email. They can arrange to catch up with you for an individual chat and will help guide you to whatever support you might need.
The school has many partners who help us to support our pupils as follows:
Community Link Worker – Susan Whyte
Youth Services – Ricky Evans
Educational Psychology – Rachel Whitby
Social Work – Kerri Birch
The Breathe Project – Sam Wittman
Skills Development Scotland – Gail Sinclair
Lifelink – Counselling services for pupils in P7 and above
Mindspace – Counselling services
Angus Cameron – Counselling services
School health – Zoe Smith
Police – Caroline MacNaughton/Steve Band/Jamie Elder
Through discussion Support staff and teachers will help you to work out which of the services might support you best.
Sometimes however you might need help when no-one is available, and the following contacts and websites may be of help to you until you can speak with a member of the school staff:
Duty Child Protection – 01738 476768
Childline – 08001111 – keeping safe online
Keep safe and always be sure that we are here to help.