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Gaelic Provision

Breadalbane Academy is proud to provide opportunities for Gaelic Medium Education in our Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools.  We are also committed to offering our young people opportunities to engage with Scotland’s cultural heritage, including a consideration for the broader culture of Gaelic. In so doing, we can familiarise our young people with this important aspect of Scottish heritage, as well as maintaining Gaelic as a vibrant living language in Perthshire.

The school has a Gaelic Medium Education (GME) provision which ranges from Nursery to Senior Phase.  Our most recent development is our Gaelic Nursery – the first in Perth and Kinross – which opened in April 2021.  We have two GME classes in Primary, composited as P1 to P3 and P4 to P7.  We also have a GME provision in Secondary extending into Senior Phase from 2022, which will be the first year in which we will present pupils in the SQA qualification for fluent speakers: Gàidhlig. This will be an exciting milestone for us.

All pupils from P1 to S1 experience Gaelic for Learners, with pupils in S3 and beyond able to opt to continue on to courses leading to SQA certification in Gaelic for Learners.

Click Here to view the latest information pack from on the advantages of choosing to enrol your child in a GME provision.

Please contact the school if you would like to know more about Gaelic Medium Education, or would be interested in your child accessed GME in Nursery or Primary 1.  (Please note that pupils must join our GME provision from the start of P1 at the latest).

You can find out more about the promotion of Gaelic language and culture on the Perth and Kinross website here.

You may also be interested in the Breadalbane Gaelic Parent Group website ( ) and the national parent body Comann nam Pàrant (CnP) website.  This link to the CnP website will take you to videos of various stakeholders speaking about Gaelic Medium Education.