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» Parents Portal Launch

On Monday 15th March PKC will be launching ParentsPortal.Scot

The portal is designed to replace the ‘schoolbag run’, giving parents online access to a range of school-related services. At the heart of the system is a secure online MyPKC account through This is already used in Perth and Kinross Council to enable parents to apply for services such as Free School Meals and School Transport.

Initially, this new service will introduce basic information about your child’s school and will allow you to:

  • view school calendar
  • view your child’s class timetable (for pupils in secondary school)
  • view your child’s attendance
  • complete the annual data check process electronically
  • update your own as well as your child’s details at any time
  • access Parent Zone and MyPKC
  • access online school payments (ParentPay)

As the product develops, we look forward to seeing more services introduced including electronic permission slips and consent forms.


ParentsPortal Letter
 issued to parents on 07/03/21