Courses in S3 to S6
As pupils move into S3, S4, S5 and S6 they have the opportunity the choose the courses they wish to continue studying in order to offer personalisation and specialism to their curriculum.
Throughout the course choice process pupils are provided with an array of information that is delivered through PSE classes and other non-curricular activities. Pupils are also supported and guided to make the most appropriate choices by their class teachers, Guidance teacher and the Careers Advisor from Skills Development Scotland.
It is also important that course choice decisions are made following informed discussions at home with parents/carers and it is hoped that the following documents provide both the required information to support this decision making process.
S3 Course Choice
If you cannot access the above link please click here: S3 Option Booklet for 2025 – 2026
S3 Course Choice form 2025-2026
Senior Phase Course Choice
Senior Course Choice Form 2024 – Click Here
If you are unable to view the above course information sway pages please click on the link below to view the basic booklet version :
Breadalbane Academy Senior Phase Course Choice Booklet 2025 – 2026