Geography S1 Course Plan
Curriculum Area:
Geography August-October
Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’
Level 2
- Extracts information from more than one kind of map.
- Locates continent names, country names, capital cities, rivers and railways on maps of Scotland, the UK, Europe and areas further afield.
Level 3
- Locates increasingly complex features such as different physical landscape features and human features on maps of Scotland, the UK, Europe and the wider world for example, hills, mountains, valleys, population.
Map skills
- The basics
- Types of maps (local/national/global)
- Using the key
- How does scale work?
- 4 and 6 figure grid references
- Describing a route
Curriculum Area:
Geography October- January
Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’
Level 2
- Compares and contrasts the differing effects of the weather on the people and society of Britain and a contrasting area, providing at least three similarities and/or differences.
- Key weather elements
- How does weather affect our lives?
- UK weather
- What is ‘air pressure’
- Weather fronts
- Weather investigation
- Presentation skills
Curriculum Area:
Geography February- April
Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’
Level 2
- Identifies at least three impacts of human activity on the environment.
Level 3
- Describes a natural environment different to their own, in terms of climate, physical features and living things.
- Provides a simple explanation of at least three links between climate, physical features and living things in that environment.
- Demonstrates a basic understanding of the relationship between weather and climate.
- Provides a simple explanation for a weather pattern within a selected climate zone, for example, low precipitation on the Tundra.
- Provides at least two explanations as to how landscapes influence human activity, using two contrasting areas
- Building on the previous unit
- Pupils will look at the Tundra region
- They will examine and explain climate graphs
- Look at the impacts the climate has on the lives of the people
- Examine the life of the Nenets
- Compare to their own lives
- Look at the impacts of the climate on the plants and animals of the Tundra
- What modern developments are challenging the Nenets lifestyle?
- Complete a Nenet diary
Curriculum Area:
Geography April-July
Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’
Level 2
- Presents information in any preferred form on the local area including local area names, two major employers/types of employment, for example, call centres, local attractions, leisure facilities.
Level 3
- Uses relevant numeracy and digital technology skills to interpret at least two sources of data from maps and graphical information systems
- Local Aberfeldy investigation “what changes can be seen as we move through Aberfeldy”
- Using a range of fieldwork techniques to gather data
- Use of Geographical Information systems (GIS) to gather data
- Processing data
- Presenting findings of the investigation