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Drama S2 Course Plan

  • Curriculum Area:

    I can create, develop and sustain a realistic or stylised character through the use of voice, movement and language.

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Uses characterisation techniques to improve and deepen the portrayal of a character, for example, hot seating, character cards, thought tracking, role on the wall, writing in role, role-play etc.
    • Uses a range of aspects of voice to enhance characterisation, for example, pitch, pace, volume, tone, clarity, articulation;
    • Uses appropriate expression and movement to enhance characterisation, for example, facial expression, body language, eye contact, use of space, use of levels, gesture, posture.


    Greek Theatre – History of Theatre 2 Pupils will explore the role of the Greek chorus, morality plays, performing in unison. Darkwood Manor: Gothic Genre Pupils will build ‘stock’ characters and develop their use of voice and movement. Mask and Mime Pupils will experiment with use of movement, gesture and body language; pupils will also consider different types of staging. Pupils will begin to use production skills.

  • Curriculum Area:

    Having developed ideas from a range of stimuli, I can contribute to devising, rehearsing and presenting drama or scripts.

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Contributes relevant ideas and opinions, with supporting evidence, when participating in group discussions or working collaboratively.
    • Selects relevant ideas and information to create dramas or scripts appropriate for performing to an audience, demonstrating a basic knowledge of form and structure such as mime, improvisation, tableaux, linear/non-linear.
    • Builds on the contributions of others by clarifying or summarising points
    • Presents dramas to audiences for different purposes, for example, to entertain, inform, communicate a message, explore an issue.


    Darkwood Manor: Gothic Genre Pupils will also develop their knowledge and understanding of production skills e.g. lighting/sound/costume etc, story-building and plot. Cyber-Bullying Introduction to social / political theatre, use of stimuli, use of media, scriptwriting and characterisation Mask and Mime Pupils will develop their storytelling / ply building skills. ‘Scream’: Surrealism and Expressionism. Responding to stimuli, using textual extracts, creating character profiles,

  • Curriculum Area:

    I can respond to the experience of drama by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work.

    Curriculum for Excellence ‘Benchmark’

    • Reflects effectively on ideas, including ideas for using production skills in relation to, for example, lighting sound, props, make-up and hair, in order to improve or enhance a drama, using appropriate drama vocabulary.


    This process happens throughout all units, through the following activities:

    • Group discussion
    • Learning conversations
    • Peer assessment
    • Self assessment
    • Evaluation of one’s own contribution to the drama process (at the end of the unit)
    • Evaluation of the contribution of others to the drama process (at the end of the unit)
    • Target setting
    • Celebration of success