Our Employability Guarantee
- Our Employability Guarantee
At the heart of enterprise in education are young learners who have a knowledge and practical understanding of the world of work.
Building the Curriculum 4, The Scottish Government, 2009

Glenlyon Coffee Barista Academy
Our approach is predicated on the inter-connectedness of all aspects of our curriculum. Almost all preparations for employment are also preparations for life and vice versa. Our work on employability should not in any way stand separate to our wider educational mission but instead be intrinsic to it. Throughout their time in school our young people will experience opportunities to engage with and reflect upon the world of employment. In addition to formal and progressive inputs within the curriculum on career skills, our wider vision for employability is set out in our employability strategy, which covers the following themes.
- Theme 1 – Skills
Our young people will:
- leave school with the skills they will require for life, and the ability to articulate and reflect upon these.
- be able to reflect on skills not just to say what they can do, but also to describe who they are.
- Theme 2 – Employer Engagement
Our young people will:
- have regular opportunities to engage with a broad range of employment sectors in variety of ways
- experience a range of universal inputs during the BGE, moving towards a more targeted approach in the Senior Phase.
- Theme 3- Curriculum
Our young people will experience a curriculum:
- that offers them with an appropriate pathway to employment
- that reflects local and national labour market information
- that makes links with ‘real world’ applications of skills and knowledge
- Theme 4 – Career Education
Our young people will:
- Have coherent and progressive inputs on career education
- Be fully prepared for their pathway beyond school
- Theme 5 – Work Experience
Our young people in the senior phase will have the opportunity for :
- Physical and virtual work-place learning
- certification recognising workplace learning
As part of the Breadalbane Guarantee, young people will experience a range of employability related experiences which will extend beyond the classroom. These will include trips to places of employment, inputs from employers and other partners in school; a full day undertaking an enterprise project; a mock interview with an employer.